Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
As a child I was told many things
that as an adult I rejected.
As a Catholic I was brought up to believe
the only reason Martin Luther had divided the Church
was to fornicate with a nun.
More often than not the hidden aim
of all categories, differences, and labels
is to assert some kind of phony superiority.
Shaw once said that the reason why
he was successful in creating believable female characters
is that he did not think of women as different from men.
When the French say “Vive la difference!”
I have every reason to suspect
they have in mind only anatomical differences.
An old lady from Kharpert once told me
they viewed women from Izmir (Smyrna) as sluts
because they (Izmirtsis) used make-up;
and a woman from Izmir once told me
they view Kharpertsis as Kurds.
For every label there will be a counter-label.
Native-born Armenians versus Diasporans
(or aghber = white trash).
As a non-native Armenian I suspect native-born Armenians
to be former Bolsheviks, even Stalinists.
We are all brought up to look down on our fellow men
for reasons that on closer inspection reveal themselves to be
based on ignorance, prejudice, fear, and fallacies.
I feel therefore justified to formulate
the following categories of my own:
human beings who view their fellow men and women as equals
and dupes who suffer from a psychological aberration
known as infantilism which consists
in clinging to illusions, lies, and prejudices instilled in them
when they could not yet think for themselves and
whose hidden aim is to make them feel superior or privileged.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Why is it that people who view abortion as murder
don’t see war as murder?
The Enlightenment did not put an end to the Dark Ages;
neither did Christianity expose false gods.
Whenever a reader calls me pro-Turkish
I know he has run out of arguments.
If memory serves, it was Goebbels who said:
“Making noise is an effective means of opposition.”
As a pessimist I hate to be right.
Because I make Armenianism
(its cheap, loathsome variant) look hateful,
I am accused of hating myself.
Be a dupe, join a group.
The contempt of idiots and fanatics
is as valuable an asset as the affection of good men.
When Jesus said “The Kingdom of God is within you,”
the rabbis thought, there goes my bread and butter.
Among us success is harder to survive than failure.
In real life all stories have an unhappy ending
if only because at the end everyone dies.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
The most patriotic Armenian is neither
the devout church-goer nor
the dedicated partisan
but an honest man.
If you can’t think of me as a critic
(someone who exposes contradictions)
think of me as the devil’s advocate.
As far as I know no one has ever identified
a devil’s advocate with the devil.
Where there is money there will be prostitution
in one form or another;
and where there is patriotism, there will be treason,
and more often than not it will the real traitors
who will accuse the real patriots of treason.
Armenians who criticize no one and nothing
(except perhaps Turks and Kurds)
will criticize critics and their favorite mode of criticism
will be slinging mud in the hope that some of it may stick.
Our critics – and we have had our share of them –
have made no difference in our collective existence
probably because our idiots outnumber the rest 99 to 1.
I may be wrong in this.
The correct ratio may well be 98 to 2.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
“In their place I would have done a better job.”
That’s not what I have been saying.
What I have been saying is
having committed blunders
I would not spend the rest of my life
trying to cover them up
in an effort to project a positive image.
Neither would I declare myself to have been
a proud member of the Communist Party
(as Sylva Kaputikian is said to have done).
or any other party, for that matter.
Or having divided the community
I would not portray myself as a statesman of vision
whose number one concern is the welfare of the nation.
Neither would I judge a regime or a power structure
by the number of privileges and powers it bestows on me
and to hell with everyone else.
As for brainwashing children into believing
we never had it so good because we are in the best of hands:
I would consider that adding insult to injury
and raising another generation of brainwashed idiots.
Now then, go ahead and accuse me
of making too many demands on our “betters”
who may not be perfect but are doing their best
under difficult conditions:
and if you believe that you will believe anything!
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