Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Sunday, June 3, 2012
If I am wrong,
why so many are with me?
And if I am right,
why so many are against me?
The brainwashed will never be with me
for the simple reason that they believe – as I did –
everything they are told by priests, schoolteachers, and scoutmasters.
I remember as a teenager
when I first met someone who spoke as I do today
I dismissed him as a megalomaniacal eccentric
on the verge of insanity.
The politically ambitious will never agree with me either
because in an authoritarian environment
they know instinctively there is no future in dissent
which they equate with treason.
They believe to be – or rather, they are brainwashed to believe
they stand for God and Country
and anyone who is against them
must be on the side of the Devil and the enemy.
In politics instinct speaks louder than reason.
That’s the only way to explain the success of dictators like Hitler,
or for that matter, our own speechifiers and charlatans
who pretend to be right
even when they are criminally and catastrophically wrong.
#Monday, June 04, 2012
“Where many other nations perished, we survived!’ – implying,
we must be doing something right.
What exactly did we do right?
We allowed them to legally rape our daughters and kidnap our sons.
We survived, yes, but at what cost?
That’s a question we don’t like to ask
perhaps because the answer is too depressing.
We survived – if that’s what you want to call it –
only to die by the million –
and I am not just talking about massacres now.
What’s done is done.
Let bygones be bygones.
The question we must ask at this point is:
In what way the conditions of our survival
radically altered our character as a nation?
What if we survived only to be subservient to alien commissars
and our own agha babas?
We praise freedom even as we bury it.
We speak of independence even as we go down on our knees
in fear of our own executioners.
If that’s survival, I want not part of it.
No need to lament our dead
when it is the living that are in need of our tears.
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
The Turks refuse to recognize the Genocide
for a number of reasons, beginning with the fact that
they are brainwashed to believe
they belong to a great and noble race of men
known as the Turanic race
(known only to them and no one else
and invented by Kemal, who like all dictators ,
felt fully qualified to rewrite not only history
and the laws of the land but also biology).
It follows, the descendants of such a noble race
are “incapable of committing atrocities” (Erdogan).
Turks know that the dead cannot testify
and the survivors are living proof of the fact
there was no extermination or a plan to exterminate
(which is how genocide is defined).
They also know if they plead guilty as charged
they stand to lose not only face
but also billions in reparations
as well as vast tracts of land.
Last but not least, they know that truth may be on our side
but the world is on theirs because all imperial powers
as well as nations with imperial ambitions,
including the most civilized and progressive,
have at one time or another committed
unspeakable crimes against defenseless civilians.
All this is known not only to the Turkish leadership
but also our own Turcocentric academics and ghazetajis
whose central concern is neither justice
nor documenting crimes against humanity
but covering up the incompetence and blunders
of our own leadership.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
You cannot reason with the brainwashed.
Neither can you reason with an imam, rabbi, or bishop.
What does that mean in practical terms?
Simply this:
if you are accused of murder one
(cold-blooded and premeditated)
and you are innocent,
at the end you will be found guilty.
Where others see men of God,
I see cold-blooded killers.
Instead of brainwashing children,
religious leaders should engage with one another
and reach a consensus
beginning with the following three assertions:
(i) all dogmas are inherently wrong;
(ii) the will of God is an unknown quantity; and
(iii) to doubt is more human than to be certain.
At the root of all wars and massacres
you will find certainties that are not only false
but also criminally and catastrophically absurd.
After asserting all men are brothers,
they choose to behave like Cain.
What contradictions?

Warning: If you ever receive an e-mail from me

asking for financial assistance,

please ignore it.

It's probably from a pirate in Somalia.

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