Saturday, June 30, 2012


Thursday, June 28, 2012
Justice may be blind but she has a sensitive nose
and can smell the unwashed.
Remember that next time you decide to take a wealthy man to court.
The wealthy are so used to having their asses kissed
that they now expect you to also tell the world they smell like roses.
And you will be surprised how many are more than willing
to grab the opportunity.
A gentle reader writes: "If, as you say,
Armenian literature is a dead end,
why not give up writing?"
I write for two totally non-literary reasons:
To fight boredom and to acquire friends;
and with every book I have published,
I have acquired a new friend;
also (alas!) two enemies.
Friday, June 29, 2012
**************************************************************There is God;
there are men who represent Him on earth;
and there are the unwashed
whose sole option is to say “Yes, sir!”
There you have it:
as good a definition of Ottomanism and Armenianism as any.
What is Turcocentrism?
Like all –isms it is a closed system of thought
that legitimizes prejudice, intolerance, and hatred,
The aim of all –isms is to moronize.
The stated aim of patriotism is to promote love of Country
(not necessarily fellow countrymen).
Its unstated aim: to hate and kill the enemy.
Which is what moronized Turks did to us.
Which is also why they refuse – make it, they can’t –
plead guilty as charged.
What is historicism?
In my morning paper today
I read the following quotation by Napoleon Bonaparte:
“History is the version of past events
that people decided to agree upon.”
There you have it:
as good a definition of historicism as any.
What is the true aim of literature?
To unbrainwash the unwashed.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Can a writer who belongs to a failed nation by a success?
Cioran, Ionesco, Adamov, Nabokov:
if they are respected names today
it’s because they gave up their homeland and their mother tongue
and adopted French or English as their medium.
In order to survive, our crème de la crème
had no choice but to kiss the ass of our crème de la scum.
In my dealings with our Turcocentric scholars and ghazetajis
I have noticed that their greatest enemy is not the Turk
but an Armenian who dares to question their methods,
doubt their efficacy, question their messianism,
and expose their true intent
which is not justice but covering up
the cowardice, dishonesty, and incompetence
of our ruling classes.
To be powerless may not be a crime
but it is treated as if it were a capital offense.

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