Saturday, May 2, 2009


Thursday, April 30, 2009
Intellectuals are a nuisance to the rich and parasites to the poor. But their real enemies are neither the poor nor the rich but intellectuals.
The unspoken message of our Turcocentric ghazetajis seems to be, the keys to the Gates of Heaven will be ours only after we do to them what they did to us. These ghazetajis are the true offspring of our revolutionaries in the Ottoman Empire who promised heaven and delivered hell.
We are our greatest enemies. I can prove this by saying I have done more harm to myself than all my enemies combined.
Socrates and Jesus had them, and as everyone knows by now, saints have been the most consistently and universally abused people on earth.
Respect for authority is the source of all evil.
Revolutions are less about justice or the distribution of wealth, and more about the distribution of power, and power will be abused regardless of who is at the top. For the slave, it makes no difference if his master is Turk or Armenian.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Everything is as it should be. I never had it so good. The surest warnings of an impending catastrophe.
You say I always see the dark side of things. I say someone has to. Paranoiacs have enemies too. And who said pessimists are always wrong?
You cannot hide your ignorance. It is your most transparent possession.
When an Armenian defeats another Armenian, it is the nation that loses.
A lie is like a deadly virus. Left unattended it will poison and kill its promoter as well as his dupes, families as well as communities, tribes as well as nations, empires as well as civilizations.
In democracies, dissidents like Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russell were (and still are) universally respected, sometimes even Nobelized. We all know what happened to dissidents in the USSR. I venture to suggest, we Armenians (judging by the number of writers we have betrayed, silenced, starved and driven to suicide) are more like Stalinists than the British.
Friday, May 1, 2009
We all make mistakes, especially the infallible.
The brainwashed never question their infallibility.
The brainwashed cannot speak for themselves, neither can they think, they can only follow orders, or, like monkeys, dance to the tune of an invisible organ-grinder.
The 5th century AD was our Golden Age, the 20th century our Stone Age.
When the old fight, it is the young who die.
When the rich fight, it is the poor who die.
If it were up to the old and the rich to do the dying,
we would have no more wars.
Where there is an Armenian church there will also be a wealthy merchant with a guilty conscience.

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