Saturday, November 30, 2013

RANDOM THOUGHTS ****************************** After moronizing its own people America is now engaged in moronizing the world. * Describe someone objectively and deep inside somewhere one of his defensive walls is bound to collapse. * Most of my critics are not idiots but they appear to enjoy acting the part. * More often than not when I try to solve a problem I succeed only in compounding it. * My piano teacher taught me the only way to learn a piece marked presto is by playing it lento. * One way to be brilliant is by writing a hundred different versions of the same line and choosing the best. # MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE CONCEPTS ********************************************* A wolf and a vegetarian diet. A closed mind and dialogue. An Armenian and a Turk. An Armenian and an Armenian. * What I write is free – like cheese in a mousetrap. * American saying: “90% of everything is crap.” Armenian translation: “99%.” # NOTES & COMMENTS *********************************** If the world were a room, the U.S. would be the elephant in it. * If you assume to be right you are automatically disqualified to engage in dialogue. * A liar’s best friend is another liar. * A snake’s ideal food is another snake. * Thirst for knowledge and thirst for blood are mutually exclusive concepts. * A dupe cannot have an open mind. * When the Nazis said “Gott mit uns” they meant of course the Devil. * I repeat myself? What about our sermonizers, speechifiers, and Turcocentric fanatics? * All corrupt regimes need enemies. Hatred is a glue and all politicians need scapegoats. #

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