Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
We should have seen it coming but we were blind.
So was our leadership. And we all know what happens
when the blind lead the blind…
When Raffi said, “The Ottoman Empire is no place for Armenians;
they have no respect for human life there,”
we said, what the hell does he know?
When Roupen Sevag’s German fiancĂ©e
visiting him in Istanbul said:
“I don’t like these Turks,” he said:
“You don’t know them, I do.
Deep down they are nice folk.
You’ll change your mind after you get to know them.”
He was one of the first to be butchered.
When on the eve of the Genocide Zohrab warned:
“This time they will massacre indiscriminately,”
they said “Zohrab effendi is exaggerating.”
Some left, among them Siamanto,
but they found life abroad so alien that
they returned only to be slaughtered.
When Oshagan said “Homeland,”
he meant Istanbul.
It happened gradually.
It didn’t fall on us like a thief in the night.
It began fourteen centuries ago
when their Prophet dehumanized all non-Muslims
by classifying them as infidels.
It happened six hundred years ago
when we surrendered our fate into their hands
and said in effect:
Henceforth we will serve you faithfully and obediently.
You want our daughters? You can have them.
Our sons? You can have them too.
It happened when Protestant missionaries
taught us to sing “Onward Christian soldiers,”
which they (Turks) assumed to be some kind of war chant
and that we were in cahoots with the infidel West
and were planning an invasion.
It happened when the rumor spread
that Turkish girls in the Balkans were being crucified.
A myriad other factors contributed to the final catastrophe,
but again the accumulation of details was so gradual
and we were so blind that we pretended to notice nothing.
We thought if the Great Powers of the West are on our side
we had nothing to fear.
We behaved with the arrogance and stupidity of people
who assume to be invulnerable.
I am reminded of this arrogance and stupidity again
whenever we of the Diaspora are called “aghber”
by our own Bolshevik brothers and sisters in the Homeland.
An English traveler at the turn of the last century in Armenia:
“What magnificent landscapes.
What wretched people!”
Mart bidi ch’ellank!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
At the root of all disagreement
there is an unspoken line that says:
“You are not smart enough or good enough
to contradict what I say.”
And at the root of all megalomania
there is self-deception.
All authority is suspect.
Muslims today treat infidels
with the same ferocity that Catholics treated heretics
in the Middle Ages.
They invent a god so that they can speak in his name.
In other words, their belief system is rooted
in their need to bully the weak and defenseless
with a clear conscience.
Religions, theology, Holy Scriptures, popes, imams, rabbis:
these things interest me only in so far as
they reveal the workings of the human mind
or rather the perversities of the human brain.
As for the nature of god and the next world:
not only do I not believe a word they say
but I am also offended by their shameless audacity
in treating me as if I were a helpless retard
in need of their charlatanism.
Divisions exist because people consent to be divided;
and people consent to be divided
even when it means digging their own graves.
Freud’s death wish may also be defined as
a universal and unconscious desire
to commit collective suicide…
or self-inflicted genocide.
Two questions:
When Socrates said, “Ignorance is the source of all evil,”
was he being positive or negative?
When the Scriptures say,
“Truth shall set you free,”
thus implying we are slaves of lies:
would you call that a positive or negative assertion?
Judge a tree by its fruit,
an idea by its history,
an ideology by its lies,
a religion by its mafia
and a mafia by its number of innocent victims.
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