Saturday, July 28, 2012


Saturday, July 26, 2012
When it comes to moral progress
(as opposed to technical progress)
mankind has not advanced a single inch.
That may be because
every organization, movements, or power structure
develops its own 1%.
This is as true of the Kremlin
as it is of the Vatican.
The reason why the Vatican has victimized
fewer innocent civilians than the Kremlin
is not moral superiority but military inferiority.
When the popes had the power
they were as ruthless in their persecution of heretics
as Stalin was in his treatment of dissidents.
Lenin said, “A bourgeois is a bourgeois
regardless of nationality.”
So is the 1%.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Belief systems (from Capitalism to Communism
and from Christianity to Islam) are symptoms of collective insanity.
Which is why a far wiser man than myself
once remarked that Planet Earth
is the insane asylum of the Solar System –
or is it the Galaxy?
The phenomenal ease with which
the 1% has been successful
in deceiving and misleading the 99%!
Organized crime and organized religions
operate on similar lines.
Fear is their most important ingredient –
fear of hell, fear of Siberian exile, and in the case of the Mafia,
fear of assassination.
When I committed my greatest blunders
it didn’t even occur to me to question the logic of my actions.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Everything and everyone has a price,
including the worthless.
Disgust defies eloquence;
that’s why the worst on man has not yet been said.
It is the fate of men who are more like women
to meet women who are more like men.
In thinking a moderate, in action a fanatic –
that is, if you want anything done.
We don’t make an effort to understand ourselves
but we expect others to understand us,
or rather, to misunderstand us favorably.

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