Saturday, January 30, 2010


January 28, 2010
Asked how he had managed to survive the Stalinist purges when so many of his contemporaries had perished, Avedik Issahakian is said to have replied: “By applauding the murderers.”
For more on this remarkable interview, see Antranig Chalabian, DRO (DRASTAMAT KANAYAN), page 269.
To be read by friendly readers: nothing unusual in that.
To be read by hostiles: That’s where the money is,
because it means being allowed the opportunity
to introduce thoughts where none exist.
Even after you prove to him that his position is untenable,
an Armenian will go on defending it to the bitter end,
like a captain going down with the ship.
That’s his way of asserting his manhood.
I don’t write for readers whose central concern is their own manhood.
That would be like writing about hallucinations.
January 29, 2010
Even when we speak of others, we speak of ourselves.
Martin Luther (1483-1546): "I am more afraid of my own heart than of the Pope and his cardinals. I have within me the great Pope, Self."
If the Turks say what really matters is only their side of the story, we should not say the same about our side of the story.
The cruelest thing that has happened to Armenian writers after they were systematically and ruthlessly slaughtered by Talaat and Stalin was to become dependent on the charity of swine.
There are those who think membership in a party qualifies them as experts on Armenian history, culture, and human nature.
I believe in progress. I believe in human perfectibility. I believe in the ultimate triumph of reason. These are my three greatest illusions.
I wish God existed so that He would punish all those who dared to speak in His name.
To speak the truth privately but not publicly is to compound the felony of perjury with cowardice.
Gordon W. Allport: "Many studies have discovered a close link between prejudice and patriotism. Extreme bigots are almost always super-patriots."
It is only by confronting our dark side that we may see the light.
Commissars and mullahs are philistines, that is to say, killers who adopt an ideology or religion to legitimize their killer instincts.
It is the height of non sequitur to call Turks barbarians and to demand justice from them.
There will come a time when people will reject all religions and ideologies simply because imams and commissars believe in them.
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), political philosopher: "Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think."
Kingsley Amis (1922-1995), English novelist: "If you can't annoy somebody with what you write, I think there's little point in writing."
January 30, 2010
A good diplomat can charm a cobra or it takes one to know one.
“Armenians of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your dividers.” What if this slogan succeeds only in producing our own Stalin?
My favorite genre: brevity.
To be self-righteous and to be wrong might as well be synonymous.
Arrogance allows a man to think he has all the answers even when none of them is right.
To be sure means to ignore one's doubts.
One way to define freedom of speech is by saying even the ablest statesman is not qualified to tell even the worst scribbler what to write.
The spirit of contradiction in some Armenians is so highly developed that if you were to agree with them they would disagree with you.
It is now time that we think of lamentation and hatred as experiments that failed and try another approach.

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