Sunday, December 9, 2007


Sunday, December 09, 2007
Organized religions are popular for the same reason that Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini were: people hate to think for themselves. Shaw once said that he has made a fortune and enjoys an international reputation as a clever man because he takes the trouble to think for himself once or twice a year.
Everything that is popular is based on a misconception, which is also why astrology is popular too.
Organized religions contradict one another – Christians and Muslims believe in an Almighty God; Buddhists don’t. That doesn’t mean one is right and the other wrong. That only means, if God exists, you must live your life as if He didn’t, because God will not do your thinking for you for the simple reason that He has given you a brain, which happens to be a valuable piece of equipment that is a miracle of design as mysterious and incomprehensible as the universe itself.
The hardest thing about writing is convincing philistines that you are worth listening to.
Because I refuse to be a fool among fools I am called all kinds of nasty names, including infidel and atheist.
Once upon a time we trusted our destiny on dividers, sultans, commissars, and charlatans (both foreign and domestic) and when things started going wrong we blamed it on bloodthirsty neighbors, bad location, and the Almighty Himself, never on our brainless leaders and their dupes, namely ourselves.
My favorite 11th commandment: Thou shalt be self-reliant.
God does not sermonize or speechify; mullahs, priests, and charlatans do that.
We have become a bunch of whiners -- compliments of our nationalist historians and Turcocentric pundits who are masters of the blame game.
Thou shalt not ask God to do your thinking for you.

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