Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013 ************************************ HAVE A NICE DAY *************************** ********* As a child I was taught there are two kinds of “nahadags” or martyrs: regular nahadags and “esh (jackass) nahadags.” A regular nahadag is one who dies in the name of a cause he believes in. A jackass nahadag, by contrast, dies in the name of a lie someone else pretends to believe in; or, in Sartre’s words, someone who “believes that he believes but he doesn’t.” * There is no such thing as an undeserved defeat or a moral victory. Both are fabrications of propagandists. Only the thoroughly and systematically moronized believe what their politicians tell them. * Patriotism is not an ideology but an intellectual disease or mass moronism. * Example of Turkish moronism: After engaging in the wholesale massacres of civilians, they plead self-defense. * Example of Armenian moronism: After dividing the nation or digging its grave they preach self-sacrifice, heroism, and martyrdom; and they are believed by systematically moronized dupes who have been brainwashed to believe they are smart. * Have a nice day. # BALONEY ARTISTS *********************************** Whenever I say our history has been a succession of blunders and catastrophes and we have been and continue to be at the mercy of traitors and collaborators with the enemy, I am asked: “What would you have done in their place?” My standard answer to that question is: “Very probably what they are did and having done so I would live in shame and degradation forever after. I wouldn’t parade as a role model to future generations I wouldn’t adopt a holier-than-thou stance; I wouldn’t delivery lectures and speeches on patriotism, dedication to ideals and principles, self-sacrifice and heroism; and I wouldn’t attack insult those who dare to speak the truth. * One of our academics once said to me: “I agree with everything you say and I promise I too will speak the truth after I retire.” This happened about thirty years ago when he was in his sixties. But as far as I know he has at no time published a single word of dissent, and I doubt if he ever will. That’s because when you work for an Armenian political party, organization or bureaucracy you sign an oath of confidentiality or secrecy. In effect you promise not to divulge inside information. Break your promise and you get no more retirement money. It’s all legal and above board. Our buggers sure know how to cover their ass. # CELEBRITIES ****************** Richard Burton on John (MALTESE FALCON) Huston: “Huston is a simpleton. But believes himself to be a genius. And a self-aggrandizing liar. Cunning at it.” A “cunning” “simpleton?” * One reason I enjoy reading books by celebrities is that every other celebrity is treated like shit. * If you like malicious gossip I recommend CONVERSATIONS WITH TRUMAN CAPOTE. I forget the writer’s name – he has also written CONVERSATIONS WITH MARLON BRANDO. * Speaking of Capote and Brando: the best thing I remember to have read about Brando is Capote’s “The Duke in His Domain.” After reading it Brando wanted to kill him. # AS I SEE IT *************************** QUESTION: What kind of revolutionaries rely on foreign support? ANSWER: Armenian revolutionaries. * A question we avoid asking: What possessed us to trust Turks, Russians, and today our own bosses, bishops, and benefactors? * I believe in god but not in the god of rabbis, imams, and bishops Where their god enters propaganda is sure to follow; and where propaganda enters can a big lie be far behind? * Throughout our history, god (or our faith in him) has been the least reliable source of strength and support. * When it comes to god what matters is not how we define him but how our enemies define him – especially if they have bigger battalions. #

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