Saturday, March 23, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
We love the truth and hate lies
or so we say and like to believe.
But truth is one and elusive
and lies are real and without number.
The 99% don’t think.
They let the 1% do the thinking for them.
Until very recently the 99% didn’t even know
they were 99%.
The 1% may know better
but to know better is not the same as to know.
The 1% is the most dangerous people on earth.
We are not survivors.
We are dead men walking.
So is all of mankind.
The real aim of justice is to legitimize injustice.
Slavery and the torture of heretics
were as legitimate undertakings
as the massacre of innocent civilians was
and continues to be today.
Our real enemies are not other people.
Our real enemies are politicians beginning with our own.
Literature is powerless against propaganda.
A ballpoint pen is not mightier than a tank.
Writing is a waste of time.
Monday, February 25, 2013
History is not written but rewritten,
and rewritten history is a political tool.
Where politics enter,
deceivers and dupes are sure to follow.
We like to believe we are smart and progressive
and that it was these two attributes
that allowed us to foresee
the advent of Christianity as a universal religion.
The question is:
Why is it that we failed to foresee the Genocide?
Not only did we fail to foresee it,
we also ignored the warnings of those who did.
“Zohrab effendi is exaggerating,” some said;
and “the Turks wouldn’t dare!” said others.
One is therefore compelled to conclude that
being smart and progressive are not
permanent but ephemeral conditions
and worse: even the smart can be systematically moronized.
Now then, imagine if you can a political candidate
running for office on a platform that says
we are or have become a bunch of moronized dupes.
My progressive instinct
(whatever traces are left in me) tells me
such a candidate will have a far better chance to be elected
if he runs as a deceiver and treats his supporters as dupes
by saying they are the opposite of what they really are–
namely smart and progressive.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Turks are brought up to believe
they are noble specimens of humanity
and it is their patriotic duty to be proud
of who they are.
Armenians are brought up to believe
they are smart, progressive, civilized, compassionate
and so on and so forth
and an Armenian who is not proud of his identity
must be classified as the lowest scum on earth.
More often than not conflicts and disagreements arise
from the clash of two sets of lies
as opposed to lies and the truth.
The bigger the lies
the more ferocious the disagreement.
Hence Voltaire’s dictum:
“Since it was a religious war there were no survivors.”
The biggest and most universal lie is
to speak in the name of God (in theory)
and to do the Devil’s work (in practice).
Religious and political leader may disagree
on many important issues but they are unanimous
in the necessity of brainwashing children
and deceiving the masses.
More often than not our choice is not
between a lie and the truth
but between a lie and a bigger lie.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
God is love.
Justice for all.
All men are created equal.
Generalities, abstractions, and theories are one thing,
reality another.
The unspoken aim of all ideologies, belief systems,
and political parties is to moronize the masses
and turn them into dupes.
Justice favors the mighty.
Justice is on the side of top dogs.
Justice is with the more competent lawyer or dream team.
Justice is for the 1%.
Justice is anything but justice.
Justice is full of holes.
Marxist theory contradicts Marxist reality.
Communism is state capitalism.
Or, in the words of a Polish slogan:
"In capitalism man exploits man.
In communism it’s the other way around."
To the 99% I say: Don’t be duped by the 1%;
and it makes no difference if his first name is Serge or Raffi.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Nothing changes.
Life continues to be one damn thing after another.
Everybody tells a writer what to write
and writers tell everybody what to think.
Result: no one profits from the other’s advice.
There you have it:
a profile of our history and culture.
Our destiny as a nation has been shaped
not by statesmen or philosopher-kings
but by sultans, shahs, pashas, padishahs,
czars, commissars, our own wheeler-dealers,
and mass murderers
like Abdulhamid II, Talaat and Stalin.
The only variable in this equation has been
the number of victims per year.
Will anything change in the foreseeable future?
Can anyone see the distant glimmer of a light
at the end of our endless tunnel?
You say we have survived
and we will continue to bugger on –
or is it buggered on?
You may call it survival if you are so inclined;
I call it the death of ten thousand cuts.
Saturday, March 02, 2013
If proud Turks, Armenians, Americans, Germans,
Greeks, Russians, Jews, and the rest of mankind
were to spend five minutes reflecting
on their own failings, blunders, and unsolved problems,
they would have a thousand reasons
to be humble and not a single reason to be proud.
If you were to say Russians could be proud of their literature,
I would say, if we were to take a closer look
at the lives of their great writers
we would discover that most of them
were persecuted, excommunicated, misunderstood,
rejected, exiled to Siberia, murdered and on the whole
treated the way most other nations,
including Armenians, have treated their own great writers
and thinkers beginning with Greeks and Socrates.
Why do nations treat their best and brightest abominably?
The answer must be,
because those in power are almost always hopeless mediocrities
and moral midgets whose greatest enemy is excellence.
To cover up their status as nonentities
they preach, promote, and legitimize pride,
that is to say, prejudice and contempt for others
and ultimately hatred, war, and massacre.
Saturday, March 02, 2013
The first time I heard a Canadian say
“We stole the land from the Indians fair and square,”
and no one contradicted him,
I remember to have thought:
“So it is possible to be objective about one’s homeland
without being accused of treason!”
One way to judge your degree of objectivity
is to consider the distance that exists
between your infantile illusions
and adult convictions.
The greater the distance,
the more objective the judgment.
How did Urartu become Armenia?
Was it marriage or rape?
An empire without plunder
is like an omelet without eggs.
In the 19th century nationalism made perfect sense
because it was an ideology
that opposed imperialist oppression.
An infallible dupe is a contradiction in terms,
and yet, there are so many of them!
#Sunday, March 03, 2013
When Madoff and his most important clients
were identified as Jews, my first thought was:
“They trusted Madoff; they did not trust Jesus.”
Has anyone ever written an autobiography
in which the stress is not on what was done
but on what was not done
out of ignorance, stupidity, and fear?
Sartre came close with his memoir, WORDS,
whose final message is:
literature is a useless passion
and writers are dreamers
who hate to give their infantile illusions.
What happened to Urartu?
Until the appearance of the Armens,
Urartu was an empire that successfully resisted
one of the mightiest military powers
in the history of mankind,
namely the Assyrians next door.
When the Armens appeared from the West
they were either welcomed or tolerated;
and that, in retrospect, may have been
the worst political blunder Urartu made.
For unlike Urartians, Armens were not warlike and,
to compound the felony,
their sense of solidarity was deficient.
Again unlike Urartians,
they were not a single entity with its own
clearly defined ethos and character,
but a collection of wandering tribes
that either refused or could not give up their tribal ways.
The rest, as they say, is history.
And that is the kind of unwritten history
I would like to read – a text in which
the emphasis is on blunders as opposed to victories,
be they military, moral, or imaginary.
A text moreover in which all facts
would be as clearly seen and accessible
as traffic signs.
Monday, March 04, 2013
One of our elder statesmen came to see me once.
During the course of our conversation I noticed two things:
(a) he didn’t agree with my definition of words, and
(b) he couldn’t stand being contradicted.
At one pointed he even raised his voice and lost his temper
reminding me of the Chinese dictum
“He who loses temper has wrong on his side.”
I never saw him again.
Shortly thereafter he died
(may the Good Lord have mercy on his soul).
Who among us will dare to suggest that
(a) in political action we have been consistently guided
more by reason and knowledge
and less by emotion and ignorance; and
(b) emotion is a more reliable guide to action
than objective judgment, knowledge, and understanding?
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Dashiell Hammett on speechifiers:
“The cheaper the crook,
the gaudier the patter.”
Syria today: what happens to a country
whose leaders cease to think of themselves
as public servants.”
Armenia today: Syria without the bloodshed.
A world without Turks:
What a subject for an Armenian science fiction novel!
When God created angels,
he also created devils, which may suggest
God rates balance or equal opportunity
above love, truth, mercy, and justice.
He who trusts liars
cannot be an honest man.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Individually we have excelled in all fields of human endeavor;
collectively we have developed the profile of useful idiots.
For 600 years we were faithful servants to Turks
and for 60 years little brothers to Russians.
To console ourselves we count the number
of tribes, nations, and empires that have ceased to exist.
What matters in writing is to say
what everybody thinks but refuses to say it.
No one knows all there is to know or, for that matter,
knows enough to form an infallible opinion.
There is an old saying:
“If you sit by the river long enough,
you will see your enemy’s carcass float by.”
The opposite is also true:
the carcass may be yours
and the fellow by the river your enemy.
Thursday, March 07, 2013
Our enemies come in all sizes and shapes
but their favorite disguise is
as Armenian political leaders.
At the beginning the Turks were few
and we many…
I do my utmost to avoid my fellow Armenians.
I can deal with them only in my writings
which I do at a safe distance.
I became an atheist on the day I realized
God was not on my side.
Of how many Armenians I could say,
“To contradict is a temptation he cannot resist.”
Isolated voices of dissent have no effect
on a brainwashed majority.
Madmen at the top
outnumber madmen at the bottom.
We were defeated by our enemies,
destroyed by our own leadership.
Friday, March 08, 2013
With the blessing of a bishop,
a regular paycheck from a boss
or the financial support of a benefactor,
any idiot can assert moral, intellectual,
and patriotic superiority.
There you have it:
the profile of an average fund-raiser,
Turcocentric ghazetaji, academic, speechifier
and sermonizer whose main function is
to brainwash children
and to convince the masses that
they never had it so good
because they are in the best of hands.
In the 19th century we were
“sheep without a shepherd” (Raffi).
Today we are sheep at the mercy of wolves
disguised as shepherds.
Our elites are the scum of the earth.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
After we were overrun by barbarians
we became barbarians.
Some day we may be civilized.
But that is only a hope
and hope is not a policy.
To be an authentic Armenian means
to be constantly engaged in shedding
the impurities of alien cultures.
To paraphrase a Mexican saying:
“Armenians: so close to Turkey,
so far away from God.
“Because we hate to say we don’t know
and we don’t understand,
we have created gods, angels, devils,
and life after death –a veritable Tower of Babel
without foundations.
I don’t write for my friends;
I write against my enemies
beginning with myself.
People tend to be more fanatical when they are wrong.
One could go further and say,
fanatics are wrong even when they are right.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The average patriotic Armenian sees himself
through the eyes of our historians, speechifiers, and sermonizers.
I see myself as a member of a perennially divided nation
that has suffered a long series of defeats
– some of them catastrophic –
and continues to be at the mercy
of corrupt and incompetent leaders
who appear to be more interested
in their own powers and privileges
than in the welfare of the people.
Now then, gentle reader, tell me
who is closer to reality?
Who is more objective?
Whose judgment is more to be trusted?
Finally, who is more patriotic --
the dupe who believes everything he is told
or the other, who thinks twice before saying “Yes, sir!”
to someone whose number one concern is number one?
Monday, March 11, 2013
To be objective means to ask:
What if what others (including our enemies)
think of us has more merit
than what we think of ourselves?
“Do not speak in the hearing of a fool,
for he will despise the wisdom of your words.”
How could I have said or done that?
Happy is the man who doesn’t ask that question
at least once every day.
The longer I live the greater the distance
between my countrymen and myself.
After the break-up of the Soviet Union,
we are told, over a million Russians emigrated.
Which raises the question:
Is Armenia on its way to becoming a no-man’s land?
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
A thousand years of subservience to bloodthirsty tyrants
has taught us to value pilaf and shish-kebab above ideas.
We even have a popular saying to that effect
that has been quoted to me on several occasions by my critics:
“You cannot cook pilaf with words.”
If you say, “What choice did we have?”
I will invite you to reflect on the following words
of William Pitt:
“Necessity is the plea
for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants;
it is the creed of slaves.”
The creed of slaves!
Some words are worth repeating
even when they cannot produce a single spoonful of pilaf.
Mankind may be divided into masters and slaves
and the ambition of every slave is to be a master.
This has been said before
but it bears repeating.
Moral superiority is a fiction of our collective imagination.
An empty bag cannot stand upright.
Likewise, an empty brain cannot be right.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Good laws are useless in a country of bad judges.
The truth is never in the lines
but between the lines – unseen, unread, ignored.
Lies come in all sizes and shapes – small, white, big…
and worst of all, propaganda.
Disagreements are almost always
between dupes and opponents of propaganda.
Armenians and Turks agree on nothing
because they continue to trust their propagandists
more than their dissidents.
We are divided because we see all our hidden failings
in the opposition.
I judge my success by my degree of popularity:
the less popular I am, the better I feel.
We are not what we could have been.
After centuries of subservience we are not even the shadows
of what we could have been.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Two things that we forget at our own peril:
(one) a belief system can be as misleading as a big lie;
and (two) where there are sheep there will be wolves.
To have all the answers is a luxury
only dupes and fanatics (but I repeat myself) can afford.
Our understanding of history is never finished,
only interrupted.
There is a good reason why
we prefer to speak more about the past
and less about the present.
We can blame the past on our enemies…
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The source of all our problems,
too much history – and bad history at that.
Brainwashed dupes are blind to contradictions.
They would be fully justified in pleading not guilty
by reason of insanity.
The road to hell is paved with propaganda.
Seeing the invisible and questioning the infallible –
that indeed is the aim of literature.
Armenia’s destiny is now in the hands
of thieves, liars, and brown-nosers.
In short, nothing has changed and
it’s business as usual.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
When Salman Rushdie published his SATANIC VERSES
many intellectuals, diplomats and politicians in the West
sided with the imams who issued a fatwa (or contract) on him
on the grounds that he was guilty of insulting “a great religion.”
But there is no such thing as “a great religion.”
It is a mistake to judge the magnitude of a religion
by the number of its adherents or dupes.
One could go further and say
the greater the religion
the greater the number of its victims,
or crimes against humanity,
or death of innocent civilians.
Think of what’s happening today in Syria.
And consider the number of victims
of illegal abortions and AIDs in South America and Africa
all because the Catholic Church refuses to sanction
the use of condoms and legal abortions.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The two most dangerous words in the world:
“I believe.”
Like most people I too was brought up
to respect men of faith.
I now view them as potential criminals
without a conscience.
As a child I too subscribed to many fallacies
one of them being all Armenians to be my friends.
Half-truths can be as dangerous as big lies.
Any one who claims to have found the truth
is an enemy of mankind.
Once upon a time,
for every faithful member
of the Communist Party in Soviet Armenia,
there was a “chic Bolshevik” in America
who believed Russians to be our big brothers.
Speaking of such a specimen a friend once said to me:
“I don’t blame him. He was sincere in his beliefs.”
I know now that to be sincere in one’s beliefs
is the same as pleading not guilty by reason of insanity.
If you say “I know many men of faith
who have harmed no one,”
I say, when we speak of faith and belief systems
in a historic context, we mean not the sheep but the wolves;
we mean not the meek and the humble
who believe what they are told
but the policy-makers.
In a historic context the meek and the humble
might as well be anonymous, irrelevant,
and marginalized to the point of disappearance.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Q: There are a billion Catholics in the world,
and yet you expect me to believe
they are all wrong and you are right?
A: Why not? There are a billion Muslims in the world
and you expect me to believe they are all wrong.
Q: You may have a point there…
A: Listen, when it comes to belief systems,
numbers are meaningless.
All religions are minority religions.
The overwhelming majority of mankind
is neither Catholic nor Muslim
but Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, Mormon, and so on.
Q: But you are against all of them, right?
A: When it comes to belief systems I say
to each his own. What I am really against
is brainwashing children.
I will go further and say I consider brainwashing children
if not a crime against humanity
than the source of intolerance and
countless wars and massacres.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Great ideas are conceived by great men,
implemented by nameless mediocrities,
and perverted by faceless nonentities.
That may explain why
if a belief system preaches love
it ends up practicing hatred;
and if it preaches communism
it ends up practicing state capitalism.
Sooner or later all belief systems and ideologies
degenerate to the point of becoming their own contradictions
because where power enters,
greed is sure to follow;
and when greed becomes the driving force
nothing good survives.
Martin Luther was right when he said
you don’t need the Pope to go to heaven;
all you need is a copy of the Bible.
But he was wrong when he failed to predict
the advent of televangelists.
And speaking of bloodsuckers:
Republicans tell us the 1% are job creators
even when recent history tells us they are job killers;
and if they create jobs they are not motivated by altruism
but by self-interest, that is to say, greed,
and where greed enters
catastrophe is sure to follow.
I therefore feel justified in saying,
if you ever come up with a great idea,
mankind maybe better off if you keep it to yourself.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Q: Let me begin by quoting some of your critics.
Are you a denialist?
A: No!
Q: A self-hating Armenian?
A: I can’t say I am particularly fond of myself, no.
Q: Why not?
A: Because like most Armenians
I allowed myself to be moronized by morons.
Q: Do you hate Armenians?
A: Only the shish-kebab and pilaf variants,
Turcocentric ghazetajis and their dupes.
Q: Turcocentrism: could you define the word for us, please?
A: The misconception that all our problems
begin and end with Turks.
Q: Isn’t the recognition of the Genocide a central issue?
A: So is the responsibility of our leadership
that promised freedom and our historic lands
and delivered the hell of massacres
followed by dispersion, division, alienation,
and assimilation or bloodless slow-motion genocide.
It seems to me, it is dishonest to emphasize their responsibility
and cover up our own.
Q: How do you explain our survival?
A: You call it survival;
I call it the death of a thousand self-inflicted cuts.
Q: So far you have said nothing positive.
A: The only positive I can think of is our literature.
Notwithstanding the fact that our ablest writers
were either systematically slaughtered or silenced
for refusing to moronize the people
by recycling the propaganda of foreign and domestic apes,
they carried on. They are our greatest heroes
and our only hope.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The trouble with golden ages is that
they don’t last and they are not even golden.
This is as true of the Greek Golden Age (5th century BC)
as it is of our own (5th century AD).
As for the American Golden Age: they don’t have one.
Their brief history may be divided into two distinct periods:
barbarism and neo-barbarism --
(I am now paraphrasing better men than myself).
Both Socrates and Dostoevsky were condemned to death
for exercising their fundamental human right of free speech.
The execution of Socrates was carried out;
Dostoevsky’s wasn’t because seconds before the execution
the Czar sent a messenger with a pardon.
The experience so traumatized Dostoevsky that
he became more Czarist than the Czar.
In today’s parlance, he was born again
as a member of the Tea Party.
As for our treatment of our own writers:
it has been more Ottoman and Stalinist than Armenian.
Like the rest of mankind we too appear to be infatuated
with our own limitations, prejudices, and ignorance.
American writers are seldom silenced
by repressive administrations;
they prefer to silence themselves
by committing suicide or becoming alcoholics
or drug addicts.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Turcocentrism is a recent misconception or fallacy.
It is absent in the works of Baronian and Odian,
and more recently in Arlen and Saroyan.
There is even a key passage in Saroyan
where he states we should feel sorry for Turks.
Turcocentrism is less an ideology
and more a tool of propaganda
whose ultimate aim is to convince dupes
there is nothing wrong with us
because we are role models
of what a nation should be –
united against all enemies foreign and domestic
and immune to corruption,
therefore morally superior.
It further states, whatever problems we have
we must ascribe to Turks.
If it weren’t for Turks we would now be living
in our own Eden happily ever after.
To combat this propaganda line
Turks have come up with their own
whose aim is to convince their dupes that
like all truly civilized and progressive people
Turks are against violations of fundamental human rights,
except when they do the violating;
and they have always been against murdering
defenceless civilians except when they do the murdering.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
The King is dead. Long live the King.
Stalin is dead but Stalinists continue to rule.
Jesus was crucified but supporters of crucifixion
are very much alive.
They may no longer use trees, hammers and nails
but they exist as surely as racists
in post-Civil War America.
Nothing bad ever dies.
Moral progress is an illusion.
There is no such thing as collective enlightenment.
Instead of a single sultan
we now have many mini-sultans,
and we cannot say “Forgive them, Lord,
for they don’t know what they are doing,”
because they are too damn smart
to plead not guilty by reason of ignorance.
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