Thursday, May 31, 2012
Our eyes are not equipped to see everything.
Our brain perceives only a fraction reality.
Comprehension deals with fractions, not wholes.
If only we could doubt when we are sure!
Perhaps sanity consists in coming to terms
with your own brand of insanity.
The source of all self-inflicted misery:
the need to love and be loved.
Friday, June 01, 2012
There is no limit to how dumb a smart Armenian can be.
Because I was brainwashed to believe Armenians are smart,
I thought I was being smart even I behaved like an inbred moron.
“A good man is hard to find,”
reads the title of a famous American short story.
What about a good Armenian?
In case you didn’t know, they exist;
I have met one or two of them myself.
In a commentary in this morning’s paper
I read that American intellectuals
have been seduced by big money
(Wall Street, lobbyists, Obama).
My first thought as an Armenian:
So what else is new?
I would like to read a history of philosophy
that is as accessible to laymen as
“There is nothing new under the sun,”
“My poverty is proof of my honesty,”
“I think therefore I am,”
“Workers of the world unite,
you have nothing to lose but your chains,”
“Hell is other people.”
Saturday, June 02, 2012
Take yourself seriously and no one else will.
If a billion people believe in one thing
and another billion in another,
the chances are neither side is right.
Prejudice speaks louder than reason
even when it whispers.
Tip O’Neill on Clinton: “Women go wet.”
Carl Sandburg: “The past is a bucket of ashes.”
“The function of a jury is to decide
which side has the better lawyer.”
“Science is our only source of knowledge.
Metaphysics is empty verbiage.”
“Metaphysical systems are more vulnerable to boredom
than to disproof.”
“…as desirable as someone else’s wife.”
“He is such a nobody that
when he goes out of a room
it feels as though someone came in.”
“When you are young,
you pull up your own pants
and go wherever you want to go.
But when you are old
someone else pulls up your pants
and takes you where you don’t want to go.”
Warning: If you ever receive an e-mail from me
asking for financial assistance,
please ignore it.
It's probably from a pirate in Somalia.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
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