Saturday, April 21, 2012


Thursday, April 19, 2012
A headline in my morning paper reads:
“Soldier blames breakdown in leadership.”
How many of our historians have ever dared to use that expression –
“breakdown in leadership” – to explain any one
of our divisions, defeats, and catastrophes…
or, for that matter,
our status as perennial losers?
You want something badly
and after getting it you are disappointed,
after which you want something else badly –
and so it goes.
It is almost as if we were programmed
not to learn from history.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
In our context, patriotism does not mean love of homeland;
patriotism means hatred of the same enemy,
beginning with Armenians who dare to disagree with us.
No one can be as dumb as a self-assessed smart Armenian.
When cornered about our divisiveness,
among other self-inflicted wounds,
we like to say there are divisions everywhere,
or we are a people like any other people.
Are we really?
We may be as dumb as most of them
but can we really claim to be as smart as some of them?
Never underestimate the cunning of a dumb Armenian
or the stupidity of a smart one.
The rich should be taxed more
not because they can afford it,
or because they exploit the poor
by overpricing their products or services.
but because they are jerks.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Shakespeare wrote about royalty for royalty.
With us it’s losers writing for losers.
My guess is – and this is only a guess –
more people have died in Armenia
than anywhere else in the world.
Has anyone ever heard one of our chic Bolsheviks say,
“I was wrong about Stalin”?
An infallible leadership will generate infallible citizens.
Instead of recycling Saroyan I recycle Zarian:
there you have the root of my failure.
To be misunderstood is a routine experience with me.
So much so that whenever I am understood
I begin to suspect what I write has no merit
because all I do is state the obvious.

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