Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Sunday, September 18, 2011
My ideas are subversive and dangerous?
What about the ideas in the Bible?
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”
“Without vision the people perish.”
“Thou shalt not bear false witness.”
“Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
The trouble with our censorship is that
its ultimate aim is to violate
not only my human right
but also God’s divine right of free speech.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Divisions don’t bother me as much as
the lies that are spoken in their defense.
Liars don’t bother me as much as
their efforts to make you believe that
they believe in their own lies
and they expect you to do likewise.
I may consider making an effort to agree
with our bosses, bishops, and benefactors
on the day they make an effort
to agree with one another.
My answer to those who tell me
if I do this that and the other
I may be more popular:
My obscurity is too well established
to be vulnerable to any kind of
promotional or advertising campaign.
I have committed so many blunders
that I don’t deserve to live.
The only thing that keeps me going
is the fact that almost everyone I know
has committed worse blunders
yet nothing could be further from their thoughts
than suicide.
Instead of voicing your suspicions
redouble your vigilance.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
He who violates my human right of free speech
is in no position to determine his degree of guilt or innocence.
If it were up to fascists to judge themselves,
they would be unanimous in pronouncing their victims guilty.
The sons and daughters of well-known Armenian writers
that I have met or heard from
prefer solitude to the proximity of their fellow Armenians.
That may be because they know something
most Armenians don’t -- namely: to survive
in our environment one must either lie
or be penalized for his honesty.
I repeat myself?
That may be because I am a bad writer
and you are a worse reader
for reading a writer who is not worth reading.
All problems and solutions begin and end
in the convolutions of our breains – which of course
does not apply to the brainless.
Love is the mightiest creative force of all
because it sees somebody in nobody
and meaning in the meanigless.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Gerald Durrell’s memoir MY FAMILY
AND OTHER ANIMALS (1956) contains
a hilarious portrait of Gostan Zarian.
Gerald Durrell: not to be confused
with his better-known brother Lawrence
who also wrote extensively on Zarian.
A headline reads:
“Syria blames terrorists for country’s violence.”
The trick here is and it has always been,
to portray yourself as a victim even as you victimize.
In detective stories I am more interested in the dialogue
than the plot.
If only there were writers
who specialized in rewriting difficult texts –
Hegel rewritten by Chekhov.
Dupes hate critics.
They view criticism as enemy action.
Poetry, it has been said,
is when two words meet for the first time – as in
“fearful symmetry” (Blake) and “beeloud glade” (Yeats).
His handwriting is so bad that
his “morale” looks like “merde.”
I am a failure because my readers know better.
If only I could choose a different audience…

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