Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thursday, June 30, 2011
We all go through a period in our lives
when the sky is the limit.
But sooner or later
the painful realization sinks in:
we can’t even reach the ceiling
of our solitary confinement.
It makes no difference whether you are
a failure or a success,
the number of critics will remain constant.
What may change is their caliber.
As a failure you will be trashed by trash.
As a success you will be trashed
by a better class of trash.
Friday, July 01, 2011
According to Kant,
freedom “enlarges the usefulness of other faculties.”
It follows, where there is no freedom of speech,
powers of perception and understanding of reality
are damaged.
To classify ourselves as civilized,
we compare ourselves to barbarians.
The question is:
has a barbarian ever classified him as a barbarian?
The Turks now have a dissenting school of thought.
Where is ours?
What happens on the day barbarians overtake us?
A hundred years ago
we were faced with extinction
not because we rebelled against tyranny
but because for 600 years we were subservient to scum.
As for our so-called heroic revolutionaries:
their remedy was worse than the disease.
Beheading is not a cure for a headache.
For 600 years we were at the mercy
of bloodthirsty barbarians.
We are now afraid of scarecrows.
Our reality is a nightmare
from which we refuse to wake up.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
In Turks I see all our failings magnified.
To the average dupe,
silencing intellectuals is a concept of such irrelevance
that it doesn’t even register on his consciousness.
I am fully aware of the fact that by writing about idiots
I endow them with a dignity they don’t deserve.
The unspoken slogan of all fascists and criminals in general:
“If you can get away with it, do it.”
“Treason and betrayal are in our blood,” said Raffi.
So is fascism.
According to an international watchdog group,
political parties and the media
are two of the most corrupt institutions in the world.
To put it more bluntly:
our "betters" are the worst scum on earth
and anyone who defends them
is either a brown-nosing dupe
or a brainwashed pervert.

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