Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013 **************************************** GOOD NEWS ******************** The good news is: silencing dissent is no longer as easy as it used to be. * THE RIGHT QUESTION ********************************* When something goes wrong, I no longer ask “Who is to blame?” but what was my contribution. * FREEDOM ********************* Freedom is overrated by slaves. Consider what we have been doing with ours. * LINES ******************** There is a line that divides knowledge from ignorance, and the line is invisible. Whenever a line is invisible men will imagine they can see it because they have 20/20 vision. * MEN AND WOMEN ******************************** Some men are more like women and some women are more like men. Or, as the Turkish saying has it: “Among ten men nine are sure to be women.” Beware of men who stress their masculinity and women who rely too much on their femininity: they are up to no good. # FORGIVE MY FRENCH *********************************** “Morsi was democratically elected.” He was, yes, to be a servant of the people, all the people and not a fraction of it that tends to view all others as heretics and infidels, that is to say, the lowest scum on earth. * And speaking of scum: to be democratically elected does not mean to have a license to amass a fortune by means of thievery. * During World War II the French called Petain, their head of state, “putin,” or is it “putain” (forgive my French) because he collaborated with Hitler. * As long as our bishops enjoy the support of a benefucktor why should they give a damn about the collection plate? And as long as our “Putains”enjoy Putin’s support, why should they give a damn about serving the people? # EXPLANATIONS ******************************** If you decide that the men at the top can be trusted because they know better, you have no choice but to believe that even when they lie, cheat, and steal they do so for your own good. * Speaking of misplaced trust and the men at the top: Not only did they slaughter indiscriminately they also wanted to collect the insurance money. They thought they could fool odars as easily as they had fooled Armenians for centuries. * To a politician, ideas can be useful only in so far as they can be exploited as effective tools of deception. * It is myself that I criticize in others. What I really say is: I was there once and I was dead wrong. If I have lived long enough to tell the tale It may be because I am just about the luckiest man on earth. I have no other explanation. #

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