Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wednesday, June 26, 2013 ********************************** ON EDUCATION ************************ Those who control our educational system do so not because they support learning but because they want to cover up the nefarious role they have played in our decline as a nation. They are as hungry for knowledge and understanding as sultans and commissars. * I share my understanding; they share their propaganda. They identify themselves as patriots and me as a traitor. * Q: Can someone with the moral compass of an ape and the charisma of a robot win a democratic election? A: Yes, of course! Q: Where? A: Armenia. * If you don’t know where to begin, the end is as good a place as any. # SNAFULAND *************************** What does the Homeland share with the Diaspora? In both dissidents are rejected and brown-nosers prosper. * Consider what happened to Greeks and Jews after they rejected Socrates and Jesus respectively. A nation that rejects its critics digs its own grave. Nothing new in that. Americans have a word for it: Snafu, meaning “Situation Normal All F***ed up.” * Far from being the best and the brightest, ruling classes are more representative of the lowest common denominator. * Individuals may learn but mankind as a whole – judging by the number of present conflicts, wars, and related atrocities – seems to be immune to instruction. We are all citizens of Snafuland. # PLUTOCRACY ******************************** Success, real success, means total and uncompromising contempt for success as defined by failures. * Overheard on the radio early this morning: “From a market economy we have become a market society. In California today if you don’t like your prison cell you can get hotel-style accommodations for $90 a day.” * Which one of our political bosses today is not a millionaire or the hireling of one? What happened to the generation of Nikol Aghbalian, Rouben Der Minassian, Ohandjanian, Vratsian, Aharonian? How could they vanish without leaving a trace? # AM I RIGHT OR WRONG? ************************************** Or rather: Am I moving in the right or wrong direction? I suspect I am moving in the right direction when I think the opposite of what I was taught as a child. Allow me to explain. When the educational system of a nation (also known as its brainwashing apparatus) agrees with its political system (that claims to have a single aim in life, namely, the welfare of the people) I have no choice but to agree with Hamlet’s verdict – there must be “something rotten in the State of Denmark.” * MEN AND WOMEN ************************* The Fall of Man and to fall in love: in both instances the main characters are a man and a woman; or, in the words of Anonymous, an old wise man who is never or very seldom wrong: “Men and women, women and men: it will never work.” #

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