Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Turkish take on the Genocide:
“We taught them a lesson they will never forget.”
A crime against humanity?
Hell no!
An exercise in promoting wisdom?
Damn right!
What a book one could write
on the dangers of self-assessment!
Another case in point:
They view Ottomanism as a progressive and civilizing force
even after they themselves rejected every aspect of it –
from the fez and the shalvar
to the alphabet and the power structure.
That’s the trouble with all brainwashed dupes:
they can’t tell the different between making sense
and making asses of themselves.
We share with them
an intolerance of dissent and contradiction –
an obvious part of our common heritage.
It is easy to remove the tangible;
much more difficult to reform the invisible.
Monday, April 25, 2011
The more I write
the less I hope to change anything.
The USSR did not collapse
because of what Solzhenitsyn,
among many others, wrote,
or because of what the Pope of Rome or
President Reagan said or did.
The USSR collapsed because it was rotten.
Nations and empires are not killed,
they commit suicide.
The Albanians have survived
and very probably will continue to survive.
That’s not what matters.
What matters is, who gives a damn
whether they survive or not?
The Albanians maybe, but who else?
A nation is judged not by its past but by its future;
and more precisely,
by what it can contribute to mankind.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
There are two kinds of people:
those who help you to live
and those who help you to die.
When the Turks first set foot on Armenian soil
they numbered less than 140,000.
Only one Armenian in ten thousand knows our history
and we meet him every day.
Nationalist historians adapt facts to their ideology.
A fact that cannot be adapted is discarded.
A midget can defeat two giants
if the giants are divided; all he has to do is
wait until the giants wear each other out
and bleed to death.
Question: Do I have to read ten thousand books
in order to know all there is to know
about our history and culture?
Answer: No. Just take a good look at yourself in the mirror.
If you are kind, they will love you and ignore you.
If you are mean, they will hate you and remember you.
If you are honest, they will crucify you,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
It should be obvious by now that autocratic rulers
don’t have much respect for their subjects.
It would be even more accurate to say that
they don’t give a damn about them.
The trouble with our brown-nosers is that
they wear the brown on their nose
as if it were a certificate of loyalty
and a badge of honor.
Do you have to be brave to be a hero?
No, just honest.
If Armenia is a puppet of Russia today,
it is up to our leadership to convince the Russians
that a free and independent Armenia
will be in a much better position to make a contribution
to their welfare.
The real scandal is not that Armenian political parties
have no respect for free speech
but that no one, not even our pundits and academics,
who ought to know better, give a damn,
as if it were fire on the other side of the river.
You spend half a lifetime to figure out your fellow men
and the other half in avoiding them.

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