Saturday, May 15, 2010


May 13, 2010
I am reading a book on Renaissance popes. What rascals they were! They engaged in fornication, murder, torture, treason, wars of conquest...One of them promoted his teenage bastard son, who was not even a priest, to cardinal.
It is beyond me why some serious writers like Mauriac, Claudel, and Graham Greene took their Catholicism seriously. Why should anyone bother to identify himself as a Catholic when he could choose to be an honest man? Are the two mutually incompatible?
If one includes the number of heretics who were burned at the stake, the papacy has probably killed more people than the Mafia.
Besides these popes, American televangelists are no better than rank amateurs.
Organized religions are successful because like Ponzi schemes they promise much more than they deliver. They promise heaven and deliver hell. They promise 72 virgins (I wonder, what do they promise to virgins?) and they legitimize the murder of innocent civilians.
That's the way it is with charlatans: the more they promise, the less they deliver. The great Powers promised our historic lands, and they delivered massacres.
To be dependent on someone else's goodwill: I can't imagine a worst fate. We were dependent on Turkish goodwill for 600 years, until...
Even at its most savage, writing is the gentlest of arts, because no writer is in a position to force anyone to read what he writes. If you are disappointed in what you are reading, it may well be a result of inadequacy, not necessarily yours but mine.
It is easy to make mistakes, much harder to admit them.
In old age you become aware of your youthful mistakes.
We are all entitled to make one or two major mistakes and ten thousand minor ones.
For every honest man there are ten thousand crooks who are brainwashed to believe they are honest men.
May 14, 2010
I find the venom of my enemies more stimulating than the honey of my friends, in the same way that our Turcocentric ghazetajis find the lies of Turkish bureaucrats more stimulating than the truths of our writers – judging by the lies they quote and the truths they ignore.
And why?
Because asserting moral superiority is more flattering to their ego than examining their conscience.
But that's not the worst part of it.
The most dangerous misconception our Turcocentric ghazetajis spread is the notion that our genocide is history (in the sense that it belongs to the irrevocable past) rather than a self-inflicted ongoing operation. That is also why they are very eager to name the perpetrators of the first “red” genocide, but not of the second “white” one.
The trouble with asserting moral superiority is that it doesn't end there. Sooner or later and gradually it degenerates to dogmatism and ultimately infallibility; and we all know what happens to charlatans who assert infallibility: they end up victimizing innocent and defenseless civilians – from burning heretics at the stake to sexually assaulting children.
You want to know what is the difference between propaganda and literature?
Our propaganda says, we have enemies and we have friends.
Our literature says, the enemy is us.
Were the Great Powers of the West our enemies or friends?
If they were our friends, where were they when we needed them most?
In his JOURNALS Kierkegaard writes: “One man alone cannot help or save the age in which he lives, he can only express the fact that it will perish.”
To save the age?
If our Lord perished while trying, what chance to we miserable mortals have?
May 15, 2010
The difference between a lie and propaganda is that a lie may be exposed but propaganda, even when exposed, continues to be believed.
All power structures (be they political parties, organized religion, or business corporations) engage in propaganda. That's because their number one concern is their own legitimacy rather than the truth.
All power that is not selfless service is illegitimate.
To believe and to recycle propaganda is infinitely more dangerous than to lie.
Propaganda is at the root of all intolerance, persecution, wars, and massacres.
Only dupes who cannot think for themselves believe in propaganda.
The world is a dangerous place and life a risky business because those who cannot think for themselves have always outnumbered those who can.
Millions of innocent civilians have died because their killers were brainwashed to believe their God was the only true God, and their race was God's chosen.
For every propaganda line there will be another that contradicts it.
All claims of superiority are false because no one has ever admitted to belong to an inferior race, nation, or tribe.
Moses was wrong if only because he failed to add the most important commandment of all, namely: “Thou shalt not believe in men who speak in the name of God for they engage in propaganda.”

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