Saturday, December 12, 2009


Wednesday, December 9, 2009
“Those who know don't talk;
those who talk don't know.”
I don't know and if I talk
it's only against those who know even less.
According to Garcia Marquez
everyone has three lives:
“a public life, a private life, and a secret life.”
The same applies to nations.
But in our case even our public life is secret.
One good thing about my choice of occupation is that
the alternative is working for money
and I can't imagine anything more repellent.
To be politically correct, they call it Islamophobia,
but I don't think that's what it is --
if we judge Islam by its history and number of victims
as opposed to the propaganda of its imams.
Everyone speaks of solutions,
no one even mentions implementation
and, in our case, that's where the devil resides.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
An intelligent man does not overestimate his IQ.
Only idiots do that.
Forgive my careless choice of words.
Far better men than myself
have chosen their words far more carefully
without any results.
Ignorance, stupidity, and prejudice
are not open to diplomatic suggestions,
polite circumlocutions, and courteous petitions.
Not all nationalist historians are patriots
in the same way that not all garbage collectors love garbage.
As a physician deals with disease
a reasonable man deals with unreason –
with one difference:
the unreasonable will insult you.
In America, when they say god,
they mean Gold;
and when fanatics in the Middle East say God,
they mean the Devil.
“Allawa akhbar” in Arabic means
“The Devil is great!”
It makes little sense to support one side against the other
when both sides belong to the dustbin of history.
When the old fight,
it is the young who die.
When the rich fight,
it is the poor who die.
If it were up to the old and the rich
to do the dying,
we would have no more wars.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Patriotism does not mean loyalty to the leadership, especially a leadership that has not been democratically elected and is therefore self-appointed and non-representative, as our leadership has been throughout our millennial existence. Loyalty to such a leadership is not patriotism but subservience to despotism.
The mightier the country the more arrogant its citizens. This rule has one exception: Armenia.
The lower the self-esteem, the higher the need to emphasize the positive.
To justify his hatred for his fellow countrymen, an Armenian will identify them as Turks in disguise. I will never forget the elder statesman who once said to me: “We have men within our organizations who are Turkish agents. They speak Armenian fluently, they know our history and all there is to know about us, but don't make them fool you: they are Turks as surely as two plus two makes four.”
What is the difference between an Armenian who uses his tongue like a yataghan and an executioner? The executioner thinks of himself as a law-and-order man. The Armenian believes his superior brand of patriotism allows him to engage in verbal massacre – the real thing being against the law...
Freedom and patriotism are weasel words: they can be defined in a number of contradictory ways. Freedom could also mean the freedom to deceive, exploit, and enslave. And what could be more absurd than to say my patriotism is good but my enemy’s patriotism is bad?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
No matter how much you know, you will never know enough. Only a self-satisfied ignoramus will think otherwise.
We may use the same words but we don't mean the same thing. To the poor the word “bread” in “Give us this day our daily bread,” means bread; to the rich it means enough money to buy several bakeries.
The rich know how to manipulate and exploit; and the poor know how to pretend to be grateful to bloodsucking buggers.
Their divide-and-rule tactics have been so successful that we remain divided even after they have ceased to rule.
They tell me I write as I do because I am failure. What a nightmare it must be to them to think that some day I may achieve success.
More often than not a majority is nothing but a conspiracy of idiots.
I no longer read our pundits or listen to our speechifiers because I ascribe all our misfortunes to their empty verbiage.
A true story: In search of his roots, an Armenian-American returned from the Homeland a thoroughly disappointed man because they didn't serve his favorite brand of cereal for breakfast.
When brainwashed idiots enjoy reading you, you can be sure of one thing: You are in deep sh*t.

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